Database Management & Administration

Keeping the database alive with up-to-date data points for the sales and business directories!

Elevate your business efficiency with our comprehensive data management services. Getting the potential client/customer for your business is the key to standing out from your competitors. Marketing plays a vital role in achieving this as part of the initial stage. To enhance the process of marketing with strategic insights, We need to manage all the data in one place using a Customer Relations Management tool. Run the marketing and sales process with the use of CRM reports and metrics.

Regardless of any type of CRM tool, the data must be up-to-date to reach out to the potential prospect. Here are the approx metrics of the prospects,

– 22% of C-Level executives are moving to a new company each year.

– 60% of prospects change their job titles within the same company per year.

– 25-30% of email addresses become outdated per year.

In general, the invalid data rate of your CRM will be ~35%+ every year.

Using an effective blend of processes and insights will definitely enable the significant growth in the marketing and sales team.

Data Validation

Ensuring the existing leads and information are up-to-date via web research

To improve the health of your CRM. The data needs to be checked periodically and get rid of the not-related datasets. This process of database management starts with Data Validation. The data Validation process involves the verification of each and every field/cell to ensure the data are up-to-date.

Our professional team will go through the existing data record-by-record to check whether he/she is working in the same company or changed his/her job title or moved to another company, etc. The list will be provided with appropriate dispositions to track the current status of each lead for your convenience.

We are able to validate 50+ company and contact data points such as Company Name, Website URL, Address, Phone Number, Industry, Employee Size, Revenue Range, Contact First Name, Last Name, Job Title, Email, etc. This lead to keeping the database active and alive.

Data Enrichment

Enriching the outdated data points with the current information

The Data Enrichment services comes below the data validation in the process hierarchy. The work includes the necessary modifications for the outdated data points right after the data validation. The way Apeiro Solutions carries the flow is to identify the lead’s upright present source and update the most latest information to the list.

If the existing data are incorrect/outdated, our team will enrich the respective fields with the new data and get all the related information on the other fields such as New Emails, New Addresses, and New Phone Numbers. We are also able to replace the new/current contact with the same job title and company.

Building the CRM with the new target prospects will lead your business to reach out of the box. Apeiro Solutions will provide you with a list of target prospects, business emails, and other required fields in any industry worldwide.

Data Cleansing

Get rid of Invalid, Duplicate, and Outdated information from your database

Keeping the database up-to-date is of utmost importance to achieve this we are carrying out several cleansing processes. The outdated CRM will have a lot of duplication, retired, and expired prospects. To improve the health of the database must be cleaned.

We will carry several techniques to identify the not related data. We are undergoing the concrete project plan before proceeding with the cleansing work and bringing the exact invalid information right from the source to the required platforms. We will keep track of the not related prospects if it falls under the target category.

Apeiro Solutions will find invalid data and remove them from the database. This sounds easy but handling a huge volume of datasets should have a lot of experience. Our team with several years of experience in data management can handle the data cleansing process with ease.